Constituire Societati & Consultanță Juridică

Initiere Afacere, Proprietate Intelectuala, Extrase Informare Companii


Contabilitate, Consultanță Fiscală & Financiară

Salarizare, Auditare, Fiscalitate Internationala si Fonduri Europene


Management Proiecte & Investiții

Administratie, Gestiune Proiecte, Tranzactii si Resurse Umane


Consultanță in Tehnologia Informației

Eficientizare Afacere, Strategie de Integrare, Dezvoltare software


Resurse & Energie Regenerabilă

Stimulente in Romania, Solutii si Proiecte privind Energia Regenerabilă

The new Romanian scheme, grants double incentives for wind farms and other renewable energy projects, except the biomass energy that riceives three incentives and solar energy that receive six incentives. So if you build until 2020, you can basically operate with a minimum double incentive. According to most investors in renewable energy, today, Romania has the best legislation in Europe.

Smart-Project Romania as a partner of specialized companies, develops projects in the Renewable Energy sector especially in the South-East of Romania. Our company, besides project management, deals with finance and European structural funds, preparing the necessary documentation and providing assistance throughout the process of implementation of the project.

The solutions we propose in Romania are based on:

  • Solar Panels - transform light into electricity or heat.
    Over the past 5 years the efficiency of conversion has doubled and is it estimated to double again over the next 5 years.
  • Wind turbines - generators more widespread in the sea and on earth.
    The technologies used make possible that these turbines produce power even at low wind speed.
  • Micro hydro-turbine - the running water is a good source of energy.
    We have the technology needed to implement these systems, which is also the cheapest solution in terms of price.

Our goal is to provide the best systems, equipment and quality services, for all applications in alternative energy more efficiently as possible. The implementation of systems with photovoltaic panels, wind turbines and hydroelectric turbines, require a rigorous and technically well-justified design. The greatest danger, and very frequently in practice, is the implementation of underestimated systems - that don’t produce energy at the required parameters, or overestimated systems - with enormous costs that can not pay off during the planned period. Also, many times we have encountered situations in which low-cost equipment was used and it  succumbed after a short period of time. Although apparently the principle of these systems is simple, in the world are not many producers who have high-quality products.

Smart-Project Romania together with other companies in the field have opened a road, which we hope will be cleaner, cheaper and more and environment-friendly for ourselves and for the future generations.


Noi suntem contabilii si consultantii fiscali care va ajuta sa va indepliniti obiectivele.

  • Padova (Italia)
         Str. Montà n. 106
    Tel. (+39) 3486908777
  • Galati (Romania)
         Str. Al. Lapusneanu n. 18
    Tel. (+40) 236435321


  • Galati
  • Braila
  • Bucuresti
  • Constanta
  • Slobozia
  • Tulcea
  • Buzau
  • Focsani
  • Bacau